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My Soaps Soap Collection

Handmade All Natural Heavy Lather Soaps
The Way Nature Intended It To Be

Heavy lather, all-natural, handmade soaps created for you to use from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet.

Customer Reviews

Problem Skin Soap


Our soaps are hand mixed, poured and created in individual batches, Each soap is cured for four (4) weeks prior to selling. We have only your best interest in every product we sell and every bar of soap, tin of salve or bottle of lotion has our approval. We believe in our products and take great pride in making our very best for you.

Our soaps are made using the cold process method. Oils mixed with lye (for cleansing) and glycerin (for moisturizing)

Problem Skin Soap - "I have used and tried all lotions and prescriptions for my eczema and really dry skin. I felt a difference right away. My skin is so different now. You have outsmarted all others in the soap business. Thank you."  - K.B. 10/5/2022

No Chemicals

Our soaps are made from pure saponified* oils with no added chemicals.  We use clays, herbs or micas for our colors, no dyes. The scents are essential oils or fragrant oils - or a mix of both! No parabens, phthalates, or sulfates. Your skin will thank you!

"These soaps are the best!! I've tried different ones and none of them match the quality of My Soaps. I have been using them several years and will continue. The poison ivy soap gets the job done!! Way better than the chemical products you may buy."

V.A. 8/2022

Soaps with no chemicals

*Saponified - a fancy word for blending the fats and oils with the lye to make soap!

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