As I sit here going through our "book" from last year and deciding where we should go this year, I'm thinking back to each show or festival and just reliving each event. We have so much fun doing these events. We went to some shows this year that we probably won't go back to but we still had fun at them. For those of you that braved Gahanna's Blues and Ribs fest. Do you remember the rain? Pretty much 3 days of it, with Saturday raining continuously from about 9 in the morning until about 4. Sitting in the tent with the sides all closed and just talking or napping. Actually can't wait to go back to that one. We enjoy the bigger shows. You get to meet all of the other vendors since you are there 2 or sometimes 3 days,and see most of them at least 1 or 2 mores times at other shows. Didn't get into a couple of shows last year, but will try again and hope to get into them this year. We also have our "groupies" that we get to see at the bigger festivals. You know who you are and you know we love seeing you and talking to you. Honestly have to say, and I apologize ahead to any other show producers that see this, that the Waynesville Sauerkraut Festival is probably our fav show. You have to love it with over 100,000 (they said 300,000 this year with the perfect weekend) people and all of the food. Who would believe that sauerkraut brownies are soooo good!!!! I gotta get this schedule done.
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